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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Startups in India, Investments, India Business, Telecom market» Startups in India | India Business| Startup Resources - 4 new articles


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"Startups in India, Investments, India Business, Telecom market» Startups in India | India Business| Startup Resources" - 4 new articles

  1. Tata's Eka Supercomputer Goes Cost Effective (for Enterprises) – Rented as a Service
  2. ecommerce in India - The Real Challenges?
  3. Startup Jobs: PHP Developers, J2EE Architects..and more
  4. 10mn GSM Subscriptions added in March
  5. More Recent Articles
  6. Search Startups in India, Investments, India Business, Telecom market» Startups in India | India Business| Startup Resources

Tata's Eka Supercomputer Goes Cost Effective (for Enterprises) – Rented as a Service

Tata's EKA supercomputer (ranked 13th among world's top supercomputers) has devised a 'desi' way of monetizing – by renting the...

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ecommerce in India - The Real Challenges?

[Three part series, contributed by Anshul of Designgrill analyzing the state of ecommerce in India]

India is yet to witness a breakthrough ecommerce...

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Startup Jobs: PHP Developers, J2EE Architects..and more

Startup Jobs:

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10mn GSM Subscriptions added in March

Recession? Indian Telecom market has been beating the 'R' word by adding more than 8mn subscribers a month.

March 2009 witnessed the highest ever...

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