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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All things Indian Startups, Tech and Biz» Startups in India | India Business| Startup Resources - 5 new articles


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"All things Indian Startups, Tech and Biz» Startups in India | India Business| Startup Resources" - 5 new articles

  1. Education and Economic Policy: BJP vs. Congress
  2. Oracle acquires Sun Microsystems - What happens to MySQL?
  3. Smartphones users contribute 30% to WAP Ad Impressions [Admob]
  4. Wanted: Entrepreneurial Politicians
  5. Google Bats for Safe Harbour – Recommendation to TRAI on VAS/VASP [Slightly old, but still valid]
  6. More Recent Articles
  7. Search All things Indian Startups, Tech and Biz» Startups in India | India Business| Startup Resources

Education and Economic Policy: BJP vs. Congress

[Guest article by Rajeev Mantri of Navam Capital, an early stage VC firm . The article compares the education/ economic policies of the two national...

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Oracle acquires Sun Microsystems - What happens to MySQL?

Web1.0's major casualty, Sun has finally landed up in Oracle's lap - for $9.50 a share in a deal valued at $7.4 billion.

Oracle will pay a...

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Smartphones users contribute 30% to WAP Ad Impressions [Admob]

Admob served 488mn impressions from India (Feb 2009 data) and here are some interesting numbers from their Feb 2009 data

  • Nokia leads the...

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Wanted: Entrepreneurial Politicians

[Guest post by Sanjay Anandaram on entrepreneurial qualities one would expect in next-gen politicians.]

As the cliché goes, the world's largest...

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Google Bats for Safe Harbour – Recommendation to TRAI on VAS/VASP [Slightly old, but still valid]

In May 2007, TRAI asked for suggestions from industry players on Value Added Services/Regulatory Issues and Google's reply actually nailed down...

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